Sunday, September 16, 2012

I won't give up.

Remember when I was little, I always have that dream that one day I can step into a well-known university, especially the University of Cambridge, and it is always the biggest dream fall in the deeper side of my heart.

However, the little dream I'd wished for is now getting further away from me. When it comes to difficult Pre- U course, just like AUSMAT, I found that I'm actually a very weak student. There are a lot of peoples out there who are 100 times smarter than me, I am not as smart as I imagined I am.

However, it doesn't stop me for chasing this dream. There are still a lot of opportunities out there waiting for me in these few years. Hopefully I am eligible to enter MBBS. God bless.

"I won't stop. For every minutes of the rest of the life, I will fight." - Rapunzel.

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